Terms of use

Terms of use

The company has adopted this agreement to make you aware of the terms(“Terms”) and conditions of your use of the website and the service. By using or continuing to use the site, you represent and warrant that you understand, agree to, and accept all terms and conditions contained in these Terms.

1. The applicability of the terms.
1-1. Terms apply to the users who use the service.
1-2. The times on the terms are Japan standard time.

2. Services eligibility
Preply services are available only to, and may only be used by, who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. Minor can use our services only in conjunction with and under the supervision of a Parent.

3. Use of the service
3-1. Users should provide information correctly, reality, and usefully, etc. You agree with the service on your own behalf and are willing to desire for responsibility.
3-2. When you use the information your tutor gave you means you agree with the correctly, reality, and usefully, etc of the information on your own behalf and are willing to desire for responsibility.
3-3. The Company assumes no responsibility for loss or damage that results from a purpose or not purpose action or failure to act by the tutors.
3-4. The company assumes no responsibility for the information, documents, materials, etc provided by the users or the tutors. You will have to agree with the aforementioned first because the company assumes no responsibility for loss or damage that results from the information, documents, materials, etc provided by the users or the tutors.
3-5. The company will not manage or check the lesson provided by the tutors and the message between the students and the tutors.

4. About bear expenses
4-1. When using the service, you will have to prepare all hardware(including PC, earphones, microphone, etc.), software, the communication circuit, and other things on your own and absorb the cost.
4-2. Users should recognize when using the service you will have to absorb the cost of the expense above, telephone fee, the other calling fee, internet bill, electric bill, etc.

5. 實施課程
5-1. 上課時間與教師協調決定。
5-2. 課程的缺席及補課
5-3. 臨時停課

第6条 課程費用及付款方式
6-1. 授課者,對本公司的本服務費用,務必使用信用卡線上付款處理。
6-2. 授課者,使用信用卡付款之後,信用卡初次扣款日期(每個月的20號到末日)為主,每個月自動更新扣款,隔月份的報名課程的費用,直到辦理退課程為止。
6-3. 本服務的課程費用為,以一個月單位而付款,從授課者對本公司完成付款的費用,無論任何理由,不會受理退款。若為本服務,沒有提供給授課者,以上說明的本服務內容,授課者仍然可以提出申請,我們會斟酌後做出決定。
6-4. 如果當月份課程,未上完時數,可以跨到隔月底之前補課(當月份未上完課程,不能跨到兩個月)
6-5. 如果授課者,申請變更課程方案時,所產生的課程費用差額,另安排請款或者,追加課程時數而調整。

7. 禁止事項
7-1. 對於本服務的利用及上課,使用者不得進行下面各條款的行為。
① Users shall not transmit or publish anything unreal and agree NOT TO DO any of the mentions of the following terms.
② (Try to) Delete or revise any material posted by the service.
③ Infringes or threatens any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of the company, the tutors, or any party.
④ Defame, abuse, harass, discriminate against the tutors, any third party, and the company.
⑤ Infringes or threatens the tutors’, the third party’s, or the company’s property rights, rights of privacy, or portrait rights
⑥ 擅自對老師以及第三者或本公司發送廣告、宣傳、勸誘等電子郵件的行為,發送使收件人有厭惡感的電子郵件的行為,妨害他人電子郵件收信的行為,委托第三者轉送連鎖電子郵件的行為或者應上述委托轉送電子郵件的行為。
⑦ Fraud or do something illegal.
⑧ Drum up someone to join in a specific religious group, political organization, or any other activity with the purpose of multi-level marketing.
⑨ Transmit or upload any images, or document that is pornography or child abuse.
⑩ To violate the Referendum Act or any activity about the election.
⑪ Post or transmit any material that contains a virus or corrupted data.
⑫ Impersonate any person or tutor or any third party to use the service.
⑬ Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site, or the other device, computer system, or networks connected to the site.
⑭ Transmit any message, information, data, text, software or images, or other content (“Material”) that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or otherwise objectionable that may invade another’s right of privacy or publicity. Take any action that would undermine any aspect of the site, the other users, the tutors, or any third party.
⑮ Advertise or offer to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose on the site that is not appropriate or relevant to the site.
⑯ Create or use more than one account.
⑰ Use obscenities, make threats, or discuss personal matters, to cause emotional distress to the tutors, users, or any third party.
⑱ To encourage or to promote the mentioned above.
⑲ Other things the company determines to be inadequate.
7-2. 使用者透過本網站取得老師資訊後,不能在沒有經過本公司的允許之下,要求老師私底下上課、聯繫等行為。

第8条 退会(解約契約)

第9条 拒絕入會・停止提供上課

10. 保密信息等的處理
10-1. 使用者在老師介紹委託或通過其他本公司指定的途徑時,作為利用本服務以及接受課程所必須的信息,使用者向公司,老師提供公司特別指定的使用者個人信息以及使用者相關信息(以下稱為“個人信息等”)。
10-2. 本協議規定事項以外,與本服務利用或者上課關聯得到的其他使用者、老師以及第三者及本公司相關的一切信息,都必須嚴格保守秘密,不管是用什麽方法,把這些信息公開或者泄露給第三者,或者是在本服務的利用以及服務所簽訂的課程協議以外的目的使用都不允許。
10-3. 使用者不得通過本公司網站或者課程向其他使用者、老師以及第三者提供與本服務競爭的、或者有競爭可能性的服務相關信息。

11. 非保證・免責
11-1. 本公司對於本服務中提供的信息的真實性、正確性、確實性、信賴性、有用性等,以及本服務的品質、信賴性、有用性等不做任何保證,關於使用者因為與此相關聯而受到的損害或者損失,不負擔任何責任。
11-2. 關於因本服務提供的停止、使用者註冊的註銷、本服務的中斷、變更、追加、廢止等造成的使用者的損害或者損失等,本公司不負擔任何責任。
11-3. 使用者因為包括第三者的人為或非人為受到的損害或損失,本公司不負擔任何責任。
11-4. 本協議特別規定以外,關於因為利用本服務或者與課程關聯的學生受到的損害或損失等,本公司不負擔任何責任。
11-5. 關於使用者利用本服務或與課程關聯事件對老師以及第三者造成的損失或損害,不負擔任何責任。

12. 本服務的提供中斷
For the situation below, J-Tutor reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes to or discontinue any of the Services at any time.
① When equipment maintenance or construction of the Service brings an unavoidable issue.
② When the equipment of the Service breaks down and causes an unavoidable issue.
③ When the telecommunication service provided by the telecom operators causes the Service unusable.
④ Other situations the company determines that breaking down the service is in need.

13. 本服務內容的變更・追加
You agree that we MAY NOT notify you of the Updated Terms.

14. 本服務的廢止
The company can derogate the service basis on notifying the users.

15. 本協議等的修改
Modification of the Terms

16. 損害賠償
Except as otherwise expressly provided by the terms, if the users violate the Terms, cause damages to the company on purpose or by accident should be liable for all damages immediately.

17. 權利義務的轉移・擔保提供的禁止
Users may not share or transfer the rights and obligations of the terms to any other person or offer a guarantee.

18. 適用法律
The terms shall all be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

19. 管轄法院
Should the user and the other user of the service, the other user of the company, or the user and the tutor fail to resolve any such disagreement, interpretation, or the breach thereof, shall be submitted by Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court.

20. 協議解決
For additional information and in case you have any questions about these terms, please contact the company.

21. 附則
Effective as of March 2, 2018
2021年9月1日 修改
