Privacy policy

Privacy policy
株式會社FTR(以下稱“本公司”)把嚴格保護個人信息作為重要社會使命,從董事到全體從業人員都嚴格遵守個人信息保護相關法律規範,關於對本公司通過運營的服務J-Tutor日語教室 (,以下稱為“本服務”)取得的個人信息的處理,J-Tutor日語教室以下的規定為本公司的基本方針(以下稱“本政策”),在FTR宣布致力於個人信息保護工作。

1. The applicability and the definition of personal data


2. FTR's lawful bases for processing

1) 本公司通過合法且公正的手段獲取個人信息。
2) 直接從本人(為本公司網站上,本公司獲取的個人信息的主體。以下同。)獲取個人信息時,將在向本人明確表示個人信息的利用目的等必要事項、並征得同意後獲取。從第三者間接獲取個人信息時,將事先向提供者確認信息是否是從正當手段獲取的,並通知本公司網站上的個人信息利用目的等必要事項。
3) 本公司不取得符合以下內容的特定微妙的個人信息。但是,在相關法律等上有取得義務的情況除外。
① Information about ideology, article of faith, or religion.
② Information due to social differences including an ethnic group, nationality, birthplace, mental disorder, body, criminal record.
③ Workers’ freedom of association, collective bargaining, group action, etc.
④ Participation in the demonstration, or the use of petition and political rights.
⑤ Information about healthiness and sex life.
4) 對於從學生或講師的Cookies(網絡服務器識別本人瀏覽器的業界標準技術。以下同。)取得的信息以及利用頁面、利用環境等的信息,是通過本人瀏覽器自動獲取,以分析和改善本公司網站提供的服務品質為目的。通過這些信息,不能夠識別特定個人,所以不成為個人信息,如果本人不希望本公司從cookie取得信息時,可以利用瀏覽器的設定使cookie無效。

3. Personal data prohibition of utilization other than for intended purposes

1) We will not use your personal data out of necessity. Moreover, we take routine inspection technical and internal auditing to ensure the information is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of information.
2) 本公司收集的個人信息的主要利用目的如下:
① To coordinate the management of the Service.
② We use your personal data upon registration to help others (be it a tutor or a student) to find your account or profile.
③ 本人確認的目的
④ 本公司提供的本服務以及其他服務的立案和改善的參考目的
⑤ To contact you by E-mail.
⑥ Send you information on products, services, special deals, and promotions of the FTR.

4. Provide the personal data to the third party lawfully


① Based on the law
② We may disclose your personal data stored in our databases in order to protect one’s life, health, property, and other necessary situations.
③ We may disclose your personal data stored in our databases in order to suspend the public health or the healthy development of children.
④ When the government agencies, the local public entities, or the commissaries are complying with the law or legal process served on the Company and when asking your permission impedes police’s investigation.

5. J-Tutor日語教室對服務等通知的停止的


6. To ensure the correctness of the personal data


7. Breach notifications

If any personal data of yours would be under the breach, unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, we would respect data protection as the following way without undue delay. If there are high risks of violation of your rights as a data subject. We would also do our best to minimize any such risks.

8. 講師以及委托人的監督

The Company commits all or part of the personal information to the supplier. To ensure the safety of the personal information we committed, we will strictly scrutinize and investigate the supplier probingly.

9. To improve the protection of the Personal data manage system

Due to the change of the commercial environment, social situation and the improvement of the information security technology and the change or the made of the law, we may modify or revise the Policy from time to time in order to use the personal data properly and protect thoroughly.

10. Questions about the Policy

1) 意見及協商的應對 : 本公司在收到個人信息處理相關的意見、協商時,通過以下的個人信息相關意見及協商窗口,盡可能進行迅速且適當的應對。
2) 關於個人信息的各種請求 : 本公司在受到個人信息相關利用目的的通知、明確指示、訂正、追加、刪除、利用停止、第三者提供停止、消去的委托時,在確認是本人的基礎上辦理手續。
3) In case of any disputes on Article 1 of the Policy and other Services-connected issues, we may use data or communications to resolve such matters or respond to any complaints. To make such a request, please contact us through the following connection.

Contact us

11. Amendments to these Terms

In order to ensure the protection of personal information, the Company reserves the right to change these Terms from time to time by posting the updated Terms to our Website with an indication of the modification date at the top of this page. Please check this page to ensure that you’re happy with any changes.

12. Applicable Law

The terms shall all be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

13. Jurisdiction for court action

When failure to resolve any such disagreement, interpretation or breach thereof or the Terms shall be submitted by Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court.

Effective as of January 2, 2018